
Leading with pride: My journey as a PRIDE+Allies ERG leader

Cheng Hsiang Cheong | May 2024

Beginning the journey and embracing leadership

My experience as a PRIDE+Allies employee resource group (ERG) leader has fostered my professional development, as well as my desire to serve as an ally to all communities deserving of such support. When the Singapore PRIDE+Allies ERG was first established in early 2021 with 10 members, I eagerly stepped up as the chapter lead. The mission of our ERG — to help LGBTQ+ team members and allies thrive authentically — resonated deeply with me. The early days were filled with learning about the diverse experiences within the LGBTQ+ community, understanding privilege, and appreciating the importance of pronouns like "they/them" for non-binary individuals through Micron Inclusion Ally training. Under this year's theme, "Pride unbound: Embracing all identities," our mission takes on a broader scope, aiming to celebrate and include the full spectrum of identities within the LGBTQ+ community.

Growth through mentorship and community impact


I was elected as the APAC regional lead in 2022, an opportunity to lead our strategic initiatives for the APAC chapters in Singapore, Taiwan, India, Pan-Asia and Japan. In this role, I connect with senior leaders who have become mentors, and who offer guidance that spurs my growth both personally and professionally. This role also lets me enhance my leadership skills through initiatives like the mentorship and leadership programs developed with partners from ERGs and the DEI and Global Learning and Development (GLAD) teams. These programs and events are designed not only to support our members but also to embody our theme by fostering an environment where all identities are embraced and celebrated.

I have assisted in organizing events like the Star Light volunteering event for Food Bank Singapore, drawing tremendous team participation. In addition to my existing capabilities, the skills that I have acquired in program management and strategic planning as an ERG leader were valuable for my new role as global quality senior program manager. In this position, I apply my experience in coordinating diverse teams and managing programs with efficiency. For instance, having previously organized multiple activities at the MSB site for the ERG, I was well prepared to handle logistics and communications when tasked with organizing a workshop for the Quality Big Rock program at the same site.

The PRIDE+Allies Singapore chapter members and allies celebrating our annual Pride Month flag-raising ceremony. 

Achievements and global connections


Under the new leadership last year, our Singapore ERG chapter was recognized as Micron’s most charitable ERG of the year for our fundraising efforts. Additionally, I network with PRIDE+Allies chapter leads across the globe — from the U.S. to Europe — enriching my experience and showcasing various innovative approaches to supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Each chapter’s efforts to embrace all identities reinforce our commitment to the theme "Pride unbound," ensuring that our initiatives are as diverse as the communities we serve.

Looking ahead

Serving as an ERG leader has instilled a profound sense of confidence, empowering me to embrace new challenges and leadership opportunities. My goal is to foster growth, improve engagement and enhance the sense of belonging for everyone I work with.

Bryan Thao Worra, a Laotian American poet, once said, “A single seed can turn into a forest. A single heart can transform a nation.” Inspired by this, I am committed to nurturing these seeds of change to cultivate an environment where inclusion is not just accepted but celebrated.

I am deeply thankful for my opportunities at Micron, a company globally recognized for its commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion. As we celebrate Pride Month, I am particularly grateful to the 3,000+ Pride members and allies who have embraced me, and I am excited about continuing to advance our collective journey toward an even more inclusive and supportive workplace.

I encourage everyone, whether you're seeking personal growth or looking to broaden your professional network, to step outside your comfort zone and join an ERG as a member or a leader. The opportunities for growth, new connections and impactful experiences are profound. By engaging with an ERG, you not only contribute to a culture of inclusivity but also gain invaluable skills and insights that transcend the workplace.


Global Quality Senior Program Manager

Cheng Hsiang Cheong

Cheng Hsiang Cheong is the global quality senior program manager in Micron’s quality portfolio management office, where he manages assembly and test product diversification. Cheng Hsiang also serves as the APAC regional lead for the PRIDE+Allies employee resource group, leveraging his analytical and strategic skills to enhance workplace inclusion.