Design tools

Parallel NAND system power and energy calculator

Micron products are warranted only to meet Micron’s data sheet specifications. This tool, Micron products, programs and specifications are subject to change without notice. All information is provided on an “AS IS” basis without warranties of any kind. Additional verification of calculation outputs is recommended to ensure accuracy.

Approximating NAND average power/energy consumption for a system is a useful exercise to help determine NAND device power consumption’s role in a system’s power/energy budget and how to potential optimize that budget for NAND operations.  This tool provides an estimate of NAND current/power/energy consumption per host channel and system NAND power/energy consumption for a NAND Read-Program-Erase-Idle-Standby workload.

The audience for this calculator is a user looking to approximate NAND power/energy consumption who understands the NAND devices used, type of NAND operations used, their respective current (Icc) specifications, number of bytes outputted/inputted, and their respective NAND array busy times (e.g., tR, tPROG, tBERS).  The user of this calculator is expected to know the physical and operational characteristics of the system such as (but not limited to) NAND host data input/output interface speed, system parallel use of the NAND LUNs/die, voltage supply levels to the NAND, NAND Read-Program-Erase-Idle-Standby workloads, capacitance of board traces - controller DQ bus - and other physical system elements.

Enter a value for each item
This value should be either 1 or 2
This value should not be greater than the value used in the 'Number of NAND LUNs/die per host channel' row
This value should not be greater than the value used in the 'Number of NAND LUNs/die per host channel' row
This value should not be greater than the value used in the 'Number of NAND LUNs/die per host channel' row
This value should not be greater than the value used in the 'Number of NAND LUNs/die per host channel' row
This value should be 1, 2, or 3
Total NAND Power for all host channels (in W)
Learn More
Must add up to 100%
NAND system current per channel (in mA)
NAND system power per channel (in W)
NAND system energy per channel (in mJ)
NAND Vcc rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vccq rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vcc rail during data output
NAND Vccq rail during data output Learn More
NAND Vpp rail during array operations (if used)
NAND system current per channel (in mA)
NAND system power per channel (in W)
NAND system energy per channel (in mJ)
NAND Vcc rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vccq rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vcc rail during data output
NAND Vccq rail during data output Learn More
NAND Vpp rail during array operations (if used)
NAND system current per channel (in mA)
NAND system power per channel (in W)
NAND system energy per channel (in mJ)
NAND Vcc rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vccq rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vcc rail during data input
NAND Vccq rail during data input
NAND Vpp rail during array operations (if used)
NAND system current per channel (in mA)
NAND system power per channel (in W)
NAND system energy per channel (in mJ)
NAND Vcc rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vccq rail during NAND array operations
NAND Vpp rail during array operations (if used)