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Consignment program

The Micron consignment program is managed by the Micron Hub Operations Team. A formalized process is in place to work with the customer and any other business partners to establish a mutually agreeable product flow, business to business communication, and contracts. This assessment process ensures that the customer's requirements are met without any unnecessary risk or cost exposure.

Getting started

You must be an authorized user of this site - Any unauthorized access or use of this site, and the applications available from this site, is strictly prohibited. Users are subject to having their activities on this site monitored and recorded. Anyone using this site or the applications available from this site expressly consents to such monitoring. If there is evidence of possible criminal activity, Micron may provide that evidence to law enforcement officials.

Participation in consignment with Micron is contingent upon meeting minimum requirements, including but not limited to: final consensus on formalized terms and conditions in the form of an executed contract, automated visibility to consignment inventory movements, liability, and an agreed-upon physical product flow reviewed and approved by a subset of Micron stakeholders (including Sales Management, Finance, Risk Management, Credit, Logistics, and Legal resources).

Security assessment

Micron is committed to working with its business partners to ensure the security of the supply chain. As such, part of Micron’s consignment program set-up and approval process includes an assessment of the product flow and any and all facilities in which Micron assets will be stored.

Micron is a certified member of the U.S. Customs C-TPAT (Customs – Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) program and the assessment process is in place to ensure continued compliance and participation in this program.

The below linked questionnaire is based upon TAPA standards, which are commonly recognized and accepted as a global benchmark for freight and warehouse security guidelines and practices.

Business to business connectivity

In order to ensure optimal supply chain efficiency, participation in Micron’s consignment program minimally requires automated visibility to consignment inventory movements. In addition to standard business to business (B2B) communication options, Micron also has a Hub Inventory Tracking System (HITS) portal that is an acceptable alternative to B2B and is highly preferred when utilizing a third party warehouse provider.

Hub inventory tracking system (HITS) user guide

Use the link below to download the HITS User Guide. HIT is to be considered as an alternative communication method.

Micron’s preferred B2B data transport method is either VAN or AS2 but Micron is capable of supporting any of the transport methods listed below:
  • VAN
  • EDI-INT – AS1 (SMTP)
  • EDI-INT – AS2 (HTTP)
  • EDI-INT – AS3 (FTP)
  • EDI-INT – AS4 (Webservices)

Micron’s preferred B2B data format is ANSI X12, version 4010 or higher, but Micron is capable of supporting any of the formats listed below. The below formats are linked to a questionnaire and are used to set up documentation to establish a B2B connection with Micron.

Preferred providers

Micron has established relationships with valued supply chain business partners world-wide, including consignment program warehouse providers. Micron has infrastructure in place with these preferred partners to ensure an efficient implementation and gain the competitive edge in exceeding our collective customers’ expectations. Regional contracts and B2B communication has been established to ensure a swift and seamless set up. Please contact the Micron Hub Operations team for more information.

APAC Region Preferred Providers

Contact information

For general inquiries related to the Micron consignment program, please contact