Public policy

U.S. government & public affairs

We look forward to partnering with communities and all levels of government around the U.S. to reimagine the way we think about public policy to build a stronger, more equitable society.

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Because, together, we can do more for our communities, strengthening our investment in America's future.

The future of work is evolving, and Micron is committed to helping ensure that the American workforce is prepared to adapt, innovate and thrive in tomorrow’s job market. Shifts in the skills required for the jobs of the future and changes to processes and procedures triggered by innovation and new employment models, have given rise to the gig economy. These changes call for a reimagining of how government, business, academia and communities work together.

Micron supports bringing together programs administered across the federal government to retrain workers, educate the future workforce and grow small businesses. Focusing these collective programs in post-industrial communities allows for tailored workforce advancements. Collaboration between the U.S. Departments of Education, Commerce and Labor, the Small Business Administration, relevant Congressional Caucuses and local leaders and businesses to create upskilling, education and entrepreneurship (UEE) community playbooks for select communities across the country is key. Based on assessments from community leaders on what’s working on the ground in combination with community data insights and benchmarking, these community playbooks would evaluate current skills and resource gaps, identify skills needed in the future, and detail ways to close those gaps. In addition to identifying the role governments, nonprofits, academia and businesses could play, these playbooks would also serve as a template for other communities across the country with similar future skills needs and gaps.

Technology is a foundation for American infrastructure innovation and investment in technology is a differentiator for our economy. Fundamental to this innovation is deploying next-generation communications infrastructure that will invite a new level of intelligence — from smart cities to efficient and safe transportation — while enabling a reimagining of rich data experiences for all.

Micron believes that every house, office and community should have access to affordable high-speed broadband, 5G networks and other emerging digital infrastructure technologies. We applaud Congress’ focus on providing connections to rural and low-income areas and the federal support given to school districts to secure devices for students or improve their networks.

However, we shouldn’t stop at broadband infrastructure; we need to seize this moment and change the way we think about infrastructure. Part of investing in infrastructure is building smarter — including adopting technology solutions that will help communities gather and analyze data to make informed policy decisions on issues related to development, transit, safety and resource allocation. Micron champions using infrastructure investments to drive innovation in smart cities, energy distribution, transit systems, highway safety and autonomous vehicles. Simultaneously, the U.S. Departments of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Interior should work collaboratively with industry to create standards for smart infrastructure investments that improve safety, privacy and access for all.

Semiconductors play a foundational role in our everyday lives, and memory is at the heart of it all. Increased investments in memory will play an essential role in enabling key technologies and strengthening America’s technological leadership and critical infrastructure. As the only U.S.-based supplier of DRAM and one of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers of leading-edge memory and storage technologies, Micron stands ready to explore new partnerships with the U.S. government to further strengthen our critical infrastructure and meaningfully enhance America’s innovation and technology leadership.

Trusted and assured memory products and related semiconductor devices and electronics are fundamental to the safety and reliability of U.S. critical infrastructure systems. Any resilience and security assessment of the semiconductor supply chain must include an assessment of memory technology and products. To appropriately address semiconductor supply chain issues, it is imperative to understand the critical role memory plays in the semiconductor ecosystem.

Semiconductor manufacturing is extremely capital intensive and the investments required both up front and on an ongoing basis to operate a manufacturing facility are significant. Particularly, advanced manufacturing memory fabs which require larger investments and generate greater economic return than other semiconductor fabs. To maintain and increase American semiconductor leadership, Congress needs to advance a well-funded manufacturing grants program, increase research investments in memory and other semiconductor-related technologies, and implement refundable tax credits. These programs, combined with targeted state-level efforts, will create high-paying jobs, build resilience into the country’s supply chain and boost local economies.

Slowing climate change is both too global and too local for any one government, business or community to address alone. Technology is a critical tool to bridge this ecosystem and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, from smart interconnected grids capable of transporting and using large volumes of renewable energy to efficient intelligent transportation and industrial internet applications. Micron is committed to increasing the efficiency of our own products, supporting the development of advanced IT systems, and enabling the deployment of IT to address climate change, including smart grids, transportation networks and monitoring systems.

At the global level, Micron supports aggressive U.S. goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. To meet these goals, all levels of government in the U.S. and around the globe should work together to increase the supply of renewable energy and incentivize efficiency, greenhouse gas reductions, and green, resilient infrastructure. There should be a heightened focus on increasing wind and solar generation and on funding battery storage research. Programs supporting solar panel installation on individual housing units, solar gardens and solar power plants should all be considered — as should how and to what extent diverse, exurban and rural communities can affordably access renewable energy.

In communities across the U.S., we need ways to address multiple issues — climate change, environmental justice, transportation and culture — simultaneously. By funding the relocation or removal of highways and other infrastructure that separates communities and disproportionately pollutes underserved neighborhoods, we could connect communities. Using the latest smart, green building design and technology to replace those highways with trails, parks, libraries and community centers will provide the surrounding neighborhoods with increased mobility and opportunity.

Learn more about Micron’s commitments to the planet.

Technology is catalyzing a future full of endless opportunity. Moving from auto safety to autonomous vehicles (AVs) or from smart homes to smart cities requires data — and lots of it. But there are growing concerns about how this data is protected and secured. Micron is focused on how we use data in a responsible and ethical way to make transportation safer and more efficient, to make cities greener and to drive progress for all.

Data governance is a good place to start. Micron supports initially bringing together the G7 countries — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States — to reach consensus on how data should flow, how it should be secured, how it should be used for artificial intelligence (AI) and how governments should protect privacy and promote inclusion. Establishing global norms and standards that are rooted in best practices will help ensure that incremental adoption of AI, AV and smart infrastructure does not lead to fragmented standards.

Concurrently, the U.S. Department of Transportation should keep driving high auto safety standards at the component level to reap the benefit of data-driven safety advancements before AVs get here. Congress and the administration should incentivize building smart infrastructure. Educators, researchers, governments and corporations should partner to develop the workforce and optimize the research and development needed to create breakthroughs in AI and AV technology.

Technology can be used as a great equalizer, empowering communities passed over by the highway system or rail lines and driving businesses to launch and grow from wherever they are founded. Technology can also exacerbate existing gaps between urban and rural or wealthy and low-income communities. Micron supports government efforts to use technology to empower the economic development of disadvantaged communities.

The modern bedrock of economic development is access to proper high-speed broadband. Reliable residential broadband connections have the power to improve the social and economic mobility of its users. Government efforts to increase deployment of broadband should specifically set aside funding and technical support for rural communities to be fully connected to the information superhighway. Not all communities are built the same; models to increase broadband penetration shouldn’t be either. Innovative public-private partnerships must be on the table, along with subsidies to effectively cover the country.

Connecting communities via broadband is just the start. The U.S. Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, and Interior and the Small Business Administration should assist in building business infrastructure and creating a virtual ecosystem of entrepreneurs that connects founders with each other and with entrepreneurship ecosystem hubs like Austin, Boise, Boston, New York, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco. Augmenting these connections with streamlined business application and compliance systems, centralized and transparent government contracting and grant application processes, and expanded access to government-controlled data sets will build the infrastructure needed to spur entrepreneurship and economic development.

Every day we rely on algorithms to help us make faster, smarter decisions, but sometimes those algorithms are flawed based on the data used to create them. Data is inherently biased and often shaped by decisions on what information to collect, how to collect it, how to analyze it, and whether or how to share it. Micron is committed to ensuring that data is fair, transparent and used responsibly.

Identifying and eliminating unconscious biases that may exist in data is imperative, especially as we begin to rely on AI and algorithms to make decisions for us. To effectively use AI, we must follow good data practices and be transparent about the data collection. The idea of digital ethics is relatively new; there aren’t many frameworks or methodologies that organizations can use to shape their policies. Government, businesses, academia and communities should come together to develop and standardize methods to evaluate their data quality and be transparent about their processes to create a digital ethics roadmap that will ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI. If used appropriately, AI has the power to enable us to enrich life for all.

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