
The advantage of error correcting code DRAM in smartphones

Micron Technology | February 2015

Today’s consumers are demanding more and more features from their smartphone, including faster connectivity, higher resolution cameras, and faster application performance. However, according to numerous consumer surveys, the number one requested mobile feature is still longer battery life.

Mobile phone manufacturers face the daunting challenge of balancing high performance and low power without compromising the phone’s reliability. System memory (DRAM) plays a critical role, as the amount of DRAM is directly related to the phone’s responsiveness and ability to deliver more horsepower to the phone’s system-on-chip (SoC).

LPDDR4 Power Consumption, Low Power Use Cases

That’s where Micron comes in. Our new LPDDR4 and LPDDR4x memory includes ECC technology, which provides an effective way to eliminate many of the mobile phone’s power and reliability challenges. Through the use of ECC, single-bit errors are detected and corrected automatically, resulting in decreased standby and refresh power while providing higher memory reliability. ECC benefits all usage modes, providing users with better mobile power efficiency.

Our latest whitepaper, ECC Brings Reliability and Power Efficiency to Mobile Devices, provides a much more detailed look on how ECC works and the performance and power trends of LPDDR4 and LPDDR4x memory.  We encourage you to take some time to explore this whitepaper, and send us questions and feedback.  Connect with us on Twitter @MicronTech and LinkedIn or leave a comment below.

Also see:

Micron Mobile Memory Solutions

Micron Low-Power DRAM Products